

Designs and industrial models are protected in Egypt through registration with the competent office.

The International Classification for Industrial Designs under the Locarno Agreement is applied in Egypt.

A registration is effective with novelty examination.

A design or an industrial model registration is valid for 10 years starting from the date of filing the application. A registration can be renewed once for further 5 years.

A registration of a design or an industrial model is subject to cancellation in the event any interested party requests such a cancellation before the competent tribunal, on the grounds that the subject design or industrial model was not novel at the time of filing the relevant application.

The registration, assignment and cancellation of design and industrial model registrations are published in the Official Gazette and entered in the register. Opposition of the registration of an industrial design is permitted by Intellectual Property Law No. 82 of 2002, and can be submitted within 2 months from the publication date of the industrial design.
The Trade Registry Department may, when public interest so requires and subject to the approval of a ministerial committee established by a decision of the Prime Minister upon submission of the competent minister, issue an exclusive license for the exploitation of the protected industrial design against fair competition.

Any infringement or unauthorized use of a registered design or industrial model is punishable under the current law.

Filing Requirements
Design Applications
1. A Power of Attorney legalized up to the Egyptian Consulate.
2. Four representations (photographs or drawings) of the design or model on good quality paper of size 33x21 cm.
3. A legalized extract of the entry of the applicant company in the Commercial Register, or a legalized copy of the certificate of incorporation; which includes the name, address, nationality, legal status and profession or nature of business of the applicant.
4. A certified copy of the priority document for a convention application. All documents must be available within three months from the filing date. Assignment Applications

1. A Power of Attorney signed by the assignee and legalized up to the Egyptian Consulate.
2. An extract of the entry of the assignee company in the commercial register, or a certified copy of the certificate of incorporation legalized up to the Egyptian Consulate.
3. A legalized deed of assignment including the transfer of the ownership of the establishment which produces the goods for which the trademark is registered.
4. Name, address, nationality, legal status and profession or nature of business of the assignee.

Note: In addition to the above, for design applications, the applicant company must submit an extract from the Commercial Register or the certificate of incorporation, legalized up to the Egyptian Consulate. License Applications

1. A legalized license agreement by the Egyptian Consulate.
2. A Power of Attorney by the licensee and the licensor legalized up to the Egyptian Consulate.
3. An extract of the entry of the licensee company in the commercial register, or a certified copy of the certificate of incorporation legalized up to the Egyptian Consulate.
4. The name, address, nationality and profession or nature of business of the licensee. For design applications, the applicant company must submit an extract from the Commercial Register or the certificate of incorporation, legalized up to the Egyptian Consulate.
Change of Name/Address Applications

1. A Power of Attorney legalized up to the Egyptian Consulate.
2. A certified certificate of the change of name or address. For design applications, the applicant company must submit the certificate of the change of name or address legalized up to the Egyptian Consulate.

D1: Are designs registrable in your country? Yes.

D2: Should the design application be filed under the form of drawings and/or photographs, the size thereof and the number of views? Yes.

D3: What are the novelty requirements for a design application to be valid? New shape.

D4: Can convention priority be claimed in your country? (Paris Convention) Yes.

D5: Does your country use the international classification? Yes.

D6: Are there any goods or services for which the mark cannot be registered? No.

D7: Is the assignment of the creator compulsory for a design application? No.

D8: Is there any deadline to apply for the publication of a secret filing of a model/design? No.

D9: Are there any special advantages in filing a model or a design in a secret form? No.

D10: Is it possible to file more than one design/model in the same application? If yes, are there any advantages in doing so? Yes.

D11: What is the term of protection of a model or design in your country? Can this term be extended?
5 years for 3 times (total of 15 years).

D12: Is use required to maintain a registration of a model or design in your country? No.

D13: Are designs/models protected by copyright law as well? Yes.

D14: Are there provisions in your law to oppose a model/design registration? Yes, through the court.

D15: Is it possible to apply for cancellation of a model/design filed in a secret form? No.

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